Monday, September 27, 2010

US - China - India: Perspective of an Admiral and a Businessman

Hi All,

Last week we had opportunity to hear the views of a US admiral and now an executive William “Bill” Owens. He served as Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff so his opinions are important. I normally do not write about politics but sometimes it’s a different story.

He started his education in North Dakota and graduated from Naval Academy. He joined navy and reached to the post of Admiral. During this time he served as Vietnam veteran and was onboard of a nuclear submarine. After retiring from the service in 1996, he carried forward as an executive and served many boards of companies including Nortel, Teledesic and Wipro.

So – according to him, 6 most important countries US should be looking for are China, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. So Saudi is important for oil, everybody knows. Turkey has been an ally of US for long time and it has undisputable geographic location at the border of Asia and Europe. China – no need to explain as you can see most of the items in the local Wall-mart coming from China. Pakistan is an important player. If the Pak government is stable and people are in better situation, help to world terror will greatly reduce. India, marching in the information technology industry as China is manufacturing hub of the world India is service center hub.

He says, China is through with the communist walls and is going for the socialist country. Government leaders are high achievers in their fields and then they get chance to rule in the party and as a city mayor or any other position. So China is going for the Meritocracy – if you have merit you can get chance to lead. This is helping China in development of the structure. Biggest middle class of the world lives in the China but still the crack between rich - middle class and poor people is widening and it is not a good sign. Also most of the development China is experiencing is in the West part – so it is a big challenge in front of leaders to make sure this prosperity reaches to the poor from the east. He does not see Chinese new rich people have any feeling towards the poor – as they are enjoying their wealth, they do not think about their poor countrymen.

For this part he praised Indian businessmen like Azim Premji and Ratan Tata, who is trying to help their fellow countrymen to reach from poor to middle class. But he thinks that the biggest problem India is facing is still politics as you have to get so many permissions before opening a plant or company. The second important thing he mentions that India is not much progressing in the Manufacturing industries – and if you want to add jobs, manufacturing sector is the most important one…

To conclude he says it is time for US to be a great Partner and not a power as China is approaching and India is also there …

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday morning with Japanese food

Hi all,

Back 2 back two posts ...

Hahaha .. some times there is a lot to write and some times there is nothing ... yah I am
not a pro. writer so I can write anything any time ... That's a good thing with blog - it's very easy to publish and its free so you don't need to pay anybody to publish or your readers need not pay to read ... everybody is happy ....

Oh, that's so long intro and not even intro of the subject - yah .. this Saturday Japanese students invited us to eat Japanese lunch. As usual we arrived early to see what's cooking ... !!! I will not write many things but just go ahead with photos...

Starting with Takashi - he was cooking Miso Soup.

Then we went to other kitchen where Kei san was cooking Oyakodon.

Desert came from England -thanks to Nora san.

And lot of rice to eat with ....

Finally lovely food -

And Lovely Korean ladies enjoying Japanese food ....

Thanks to my all friends for the wonderful lunch - Yuki, Nori, Yoku, Misuki, Wookyoeng, Jin Seaon, Sandy, Joanne and all others ....

Fargo Ganeshotsav

Hi All,

It's the season of festivals in India and the most awaited festival in the state of Maharashtra is Ganeshotsav .. celebration of Lord Ganesh for 10 days. For these 10 days everybody offers prayers to the Ganesh. And prayers are just the beginning there is lot more happening around - procession, dance, music, drawing and many other competitions for children and stage that gives some message to the community.

As miles away from the homeland, Indian community in the Fargo, ND decided to recreate the festive atmosphere on the Fargo streets and started Ganeshotsav. Started as a small event in the house of Mr. and Mrs. Vaidya in the year 2000 now it has became a big event on the Indian calendar in Fargo.

This year a next step taken as festival committee decided to held a small procession on the downtown streets in Fargo. It was wonderful experience to see sari clad beautiful women and men in kurtas in the morning, playing a traditional marathi musical instrument, Lezim. It made me remember my school days when I used to take part in the procession and played lezim. The way of procession was around 4 - 5 blocks and even people from other cultures were present to greet it. Yah, and mayors from all the 3 cities, Fargo, Moorhead and West Fargo were the invite
es for the event.

For you guys I am uploading some of the pics of the event. These are taken from my cell phone camera so not of so good quality but its ok in small size ...


People on the street.

Lezim playing - making a nice circular formation

Ganesh idol

I would also like to share link of the website for the Ganeshotsav with you:

Hope to see bigger event for the next year ...

Ganpati bappa morya .. !!!